The world we carry within

We all know that our physical environment can leave a deep impact on our mind. Our immediate ambience can either lift our mood or can bring it down. So, are you also someone who thinks, just by changing your accommodation, city, or country will help you to maintain a better emotional and mental balance? It …

What we perceive is what we believe

Have you heard of…We listen, what we want to listen to, and we see, what you want to see? We humans have this tendency to notice and acknowledge events, for which we have been looking to gather some information. Our mind starts giving the priority to the selected written, audio, and visual information, pertaining to …

Your journey starts with your first step…

What kind of a person are you? Someone who embraces the change readily, or someone who resists to come out of your comfort zone. The biggest fear is known to be as, the fear of the unknown. Why most of the time, we are not ready to take the most crucial first step, to make …

Life is, what we make out of it

Is it the life which drags us along, or we choose to tread the path for ourselves? Irrespective of anything, one thing is for sure that along with certain limitations, we have been blessed by existence, with a free will. Though we must abide by certain rules, but we are free to choose our actions …

Patience and Peace – Your way to contentment!

Consciously or subconsciously, we are always looking for happiness. It could be in terms of success, money, power, or status. And if we dig down deep, we realize that happiness lies in practicing patience and attaining peace. We practice meditation, yoga and use various other techniques to attain it. But we forget to disconnect ourselves, …

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